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Sunday, February 20, 2011

NGLA What A Rewarding Experience!!!

This weekend at NGLA in Hartford, Connecticut I learned so much and had so much fun, that I did not want to leave this morning. I learned so many new things to bring back to my chapter to make us even more successful. I learned new strategies to improve my chapters academics, alumni relations, recruitment, and so much more. I have brought back with me so many new strategies to help my chapter and I am so glad I got the chance to attend this conference.

Not only did I get new ideas to improve my chapter but I also got to bond with so amny people that I never thought I would become friends with. Not only is NGLA a learnig tool to build better Greek leaders, it also allows you to become closer with other Greeks from different chapters and campuses as well. I had so much fun hanging out with all the other Greeks from Bridgewater,all though I was first a little nervous because I was the only Sigma Pi going, it turned out to be a great experience that I would do again and again if I could.

I am so grateful that I was selected to be a delegate at NGLA this weekend and it really benefitted me as a Greek leader to have gone. I got so much out of it to become a more effective leader in my chapter and in the Greek community as a whole. I trully believe that everything we learned this weekend will help strengthen our respective chapters and our community as well. NGLA was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had and I hope members from my chapter will continue to go year after year because it is so beneficial to attend this conference.

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