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Saturday, February 28, 2015

You Matter!

So basically, I'm obsessed with every single speaker that I've had so far. They are truly understand what situations and problems we are constantly running into, and all have different ways of going about resolving them.

David Stollman presented "Buy In or Get Out" which was definitely an eye opening presentation. At Bridgewater, we constantly pride ourselves in saying that we're different than other schools, and that we DO break that stereotype. But does it matter? If we aren't trying enough to help those other schools that are still the stereotype, than these stereotypes are truly never going to go away....but we are. If we don't try to help and reach out, soon it's going to be too late when we are all shut down, and the world won't want to give Greek Life a second chance. It takes that one chapter, or even just one person to bring down the ENTIRE Greek System. It's important to be proactive and help one another out. Break those stereotypes in your everyday life, and do everything you can to correct people when they speak negatively/ or wrong about our community. We are a Greek community, and it's time that we all work together to help the rest of the world truly understand what we stand for.

Lunch was bomb. I was fortunate enough to be sitting with not only Emily and Gina, but an entire group of members from Rhode Island College. There was two AST, one DPhiE, and another that I'm totally blanking on...BUT it was super fun to bond with them! There were all great people, and we had a blast just connecting over the smallest things that our chapters had in common. From making friends while stuffing our faces, we were able to make our way over to the Greek Boutique (wallets beware)!!! After finding out that the entire Deepher section was already destroyed and bought out, I found myself falling in love with the wicked expensive monogrammed sparkly mint green vneck. So naturally I just couldn't stop myself, and I bought a super expensive t-shirt that I will be picking up sorry bank account, I tried my best to refrain. The t-shirt won.

So.....can my spirit animal be a person I just met....because I LOVE Tina VanSteenBergen! Tina and Taylor were a great tag team when explaining the importance of retaining important members, and how we can make sure they are staying for the right reasons. It's often the case when people disaffiliate, that they feel no connection to anyone in their chapter, and feel that they no longer matter. But they do!!! Because everyone matters, ESPECIALLY YOU! :) Even the smallest thing like texting the people you often forget to recognize that mean so much to you: just do it! Make a daily effort to show how much people mean in your life, and how they really make a difference. In this moment Tina told us to take out our phones and text someone that is important to your chapter, that may not always be recognized. As I could probably name off a list of sisters that I should have been texting, I chose the rest of my Leadership Team. Having been only an executive board for 3 months together, we work very well....and can deal with any snow day that comes our way. I appreciate everything that they do for our chapter, and I know that because of them we are the chapter that we are today. Thank you to my ENTIRE chapter on being an incredible group of women. I am so thankful that you all believed in me enough to elect me as your president, and I will do everything in my power to make sure you know you ALL matter to me. YITS <3


  1. Tina is the best!! (and one of my sorority sisters, too!!!) SO glad you got the chance to learn from her!
