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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Final Reflection

Overall, I would say I had a blast at NGLA. I was more than honored to be chosen to go and already have so many new ideas on how to apply what I learned to our campus. I am hoping to stay on Panhellenic eboard and will definitely try to implement some of these ideas in order to improve our campus as well as Greek life.

I would highly suggest to anyone to take the opportunity to go. I learned so many things from how to recruit better, how to apply you leadership on a resume, how to prevent sexual assault on campus, what is going on with the National Panhellenic Conference, how to be a better eboard officer, and so much more. Meeting with other Greek communities and learning what their doing was very helpful especially when we such a rapidly growing Greek community. It was insane to learn some campuses' Greek life is so huge. One person said they had 1300 girls come out for this past recruitment and yet Molly and I were ecstatic about having 100 girls register for ours.

Not only was it helpful to learn how to better our campus, but the memories I made with the delegates I went with were priceless. We stayed up late talking about life, bonding over the embarrassing pictures we took of each other and ordering domino's 20 minutes before it closes. I became so much closer to people in Greek life who I don't necessarily talk to that often and even some people in my own organization. These are memories and lessons that you can't always have within your own campus. Go outside your comfort zone and take the opportunity to be a better leader. NGLA was an experience I will never forget!

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