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Friday, February 27, 2015

In A City, Far , Far Away....

We have officially landed in Hartford, and by landed I mean that we all packed our lives into suitcases and piled into the van driven by the one and only Maribeth Flakes and got on the road. Once arriving in Hartford I was a little dazed seeing as i had just woken up from the bus ride but when i entered the lobby i woke right up seeing all of the different organizations in one room. This is my first conference where it wasn't just my organization. Seeing the hundreds of different organizations was very eye opening to me, Just so many different people, so many different letter, but one greek community.
The next thing on our agenda was going to Subway, but thats a little irrelevant to my story so I will by-pass that part of our adventure. The real next thing on our agenda was going to see our key-note speaker Michael Miller. Not going to lie, I was a little caught off guard with his high energy, hand motions galore tactics when speaking. But despite his odd practices and Brooklyn accent, his message was sincere and carried with his concern to better the Greek Community. Through his presentation he touched of a few key points such as recruitment, articulation, elimination, delegation and motivation. He was very blunt with all of these points but in reality, he needed to be. He gave us the cold hard truth on things we do very well as a community but was not afraid to go over the bad of our community. Overall, Michael and his favorite phrase, "Look at Michael" really it home and lead my down the path of realization. I realized that as much as I love my community and my letters, there is so much more that I can do to better both of those things. Michael says these points to help spark the leaders in the room to do something rather than just sitting idly and waiting for something to happen. All it takes is a spark to start a fire. A little bit of fire in someone to make change will start a chain reaction. Let's start a chain reaction to bettering our Greek community. NGLA 2015! Sigma Pi 11-13 Happy Founders Day

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