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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Last Day NGLA

At the beginning of this weekend I planned to learn things that I could take back to my chapter in order to change them. I was completely wrong in how I came into this wonderful experience. This weekend was a brand new world for me, I learned so many things not only about how our organizations can function better but about how I can personally be a better person. Learning about recruitment my first day was exciting and empowering. It made me think about the options I have next semester and the positions I am eligible to run for. The most impacting part of my last day at NGLA was one of the sessions I went too. I had originally planned to go to a session hosted by Stacy Nadeau however do to a stomach bug she couldn't make it. So somehow I found myself in Ballroom D listening to a man tell one of the most horrible personal stories I've ever heard. His name was Mark Sterner and he told us about his senior year in college and how a drunk driving accident killed his three close friends, he was the one driving. Going into this presentation I knew that it would impact me personally and that it would be hard to listen. What I didn't know was that I would personally reevaluate every mistake I've ever made that could have ended in a life changing moment like this one. He made you think about what it could possibly be like to go through this and then he told you how he went through it. Personally I  am glad that fate put me in that room today because I learned a few things about life and if I can take anything back to my chapter I want it to be that we are all united by the same love we saw during recruitment and that we need to look out for each other because who else is going to look out for us if we make stupid decisions or turn our backs against one another. To say that this weekend was life changing would be far to much of an understatement. I learned things I never expected to learn and saw bonds form that I never expected to see, it was life changing and it made me realize a few amazing things. Not only do I love my organization so much more after this weekend but I have a new respect for our Greek community, my sisterhood, my friends, and my self. I can't wait to tell people what I experienced here but I also can't wait to inspire people into wanting to experience it for themselves.

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