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Thursday, February 21, 2013

NGLA Day 1!!!!!!!!

NGLA Day 1!

After a long ride in a 15 passenger van driven by the fabulous MB, I arrived in Hartford, CT to attend my first Greek conference! Even though I have only been here for a few hours, I can already see what an incredible opportunity I have been given. I am so excited to see what the next few days have in store for all of us! Tonight we attended our first session which was held by Phired Up Productions!! The session focused on the importance of social excellence and how it plays such an important role in our lives as student leaders. Shira and Matt challenged everyone in the room to get up and meet 5 brand new people that we have never interacted with before. For those of you who know me, it is no surprise that I was my incredibly awkward self but thankfully I met someone who didn't seem to mind all that much. Her name was Rachael and we spent the rest of the session getting to know eachother a little bit better. Turns out she was an athletic training major and we discovered that we both shared an intense fear of birds! We shared a few random stories and before we knew it, the awkwardness seemed to slowly dissappear. Sure, maybe it wasn't the most useful or meaningful piece of information but it seemed to work for her and I. I learned a few different things from this exercise. One, I learned that it is okay to step out of your comfort zone and try something that might make you feel a little bit uncomfortable. Yes, you will probably feel silly or uneasy at first but you never know what you could learn or take away from the situation. Secondly, Shira and Matt shared with us a quote. They said, "Every moment is an opportunity."  I feel like I am ready to jump right into whatever this weekend has in store for me and am willing to give 100% to the entire process. This is an opportunity for us all to learn about ourselves and about the different organizations that we represent. I am officially ready to hit the ground running at NGLA!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love that quote and I feel like no one lives by it! I hope you learn so much over the next couple of days! Glad you are so excited and even made a new friend!
