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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Day One: Bears on a Plane

Today, we were all up long before we normally were. We all got on a bus, to get on a plane, to take a shuttle, to get to a hotel, to go to a conference in PA. Now, I know, that sound like it should be a lame day. But fear not, a dozen BSU Greeks are never dull.

Our lovely driver picked us up at the crack of dawn, and made that fastest trip to Logan I have ever been a part of. MB was waiting for us with our boarding passes; we were all very quickly on a plane after that. Once on the plane, I realized it is a bad idea to nap and hold an ice coffee. The flight was short and went just fine, though I'm sure the rest of the passengers were concerned when us, and other groups of loud college students got on the plane.

Finally we land in Pittsburgh.Then we get to meet the shuttle driver, who was definitely not our favorite part of the day since he nearly killed us as soon as he started driving, and then tried to insult our generation as a whole. But really, who actually knows that the city in the world with the second highest number of bridges is Venice??

Fast forward through the check in, the free time (aka nap time), lunch and dinner, taking pictures in a security camera, and seeing what sessions would be offered. Time for the first session of the weekend. The big event. The thing that sets the whole tone of the weekend. It was great! This guy was wonderful. He was goofy, and loud, and funny, but he still had a clear point that he get across. And his rapping was pretty cool too.

Today is a short blog, it was a day that was not heavy with things to do. the biggest thing we did toady was wake up at 5AM and have to decide what to eat for dinner. Once sessions start tomorrow, entries will be filled with more things. I am looking forward to the sessions tomorrow since some o them are specifically related to local organizations, so I hope they are helpful to Phi Pi Delta.

Day #1 = Success

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