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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Professional Aspects of Greek Life

My most impactful session today was “Better Leader Today, Better Boss Tomorrow”. This session was lead by Lindsey Karp who referred to herself as a “real world Elle Woods” because she’s a professional sorority woman. I got some chuckles from the delegation for wanting to go so badly but for the record, that room was packed and there were 10+ people standing in the back. Lindsey spook about skills that are super essential to being a strong leader. As a leader, you are managing people. Here’s what you need to focus on:
1.      Prepare
a.       Actually research what the task your doing is supposed to be. Don’t just do it the same way and assume it is right. Don’t just start doing things unless you know what has been tried before and what has worked and failed. Stop assuming!
b.      Identity stakeholders or the people that are critical to the chapter’s success (alumnae, advisors, Greek Community)
c.       Plan for meetings
2.      Delegate
a.       Be transparent- share the bigger picture
b.      Efficiency, not time wasters
c.       Set clear expectations
d.      Don’t just dump things onto people. Delegation is good for tasks that you know how to do and can help with, but is suited better for someone else because of their position or growth opportunities
3.      Follow Up
a.       Does everyone actually understand what they are supposed to do?
b.      Did it actually get done? Don’t just do it yourself.
c.       Hold people accountable. If things don’t happen figure out why. How can you help prepare them to get the job done?
d.      Give and ask for feedback! It should be a two way street

Lindsey also gave some AWESOME words for use on your resume. You can really use your Greek experiences to your advantage and use it to highlight skills crucial in the business world. Don’t just write “served on GAC to plan Greek week”. Outsiders don’t know what you actually did. As far as they know, you could have held the position but not done anything with it to help gain experience. It’s all in the way you present yourself and articulate it through words.

Panhellenic or IFC Delegate
1.      Professionalism
2.      Effective Communication
3.      Trustworthy representative

Recruitment Coordinator
1.      Problem solving
2.      Training
3.      Teamwork

Social Chair
1.      Networking
2.      Positive relationship building
3.      Event planning

1.      Conflict management
2.      Project Management
3.      Risk Management

1.      Active Listening
2.      Effective communication
3.      Networking

General Member
1.      Accountability (through regular attendance of mandatory and non-mandatory events)
2.      Brand Management (you represent your organization. You are always wearing your letters)
3.      Teamwork

We all know what we do, but these words help us to articulate that to those who don't see our day to day operations!

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