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Friday, February 26, 2016

Keep an open mind

Hello Blog, we meet again, except this time it is 10:21pm. Day 2 here at NGLA was amazing, I got to listen in on different sessions such as "Can We Talk", "Leading at the Edge", and "Greek Life to Real Life". "Can We Talk" was the session that resonated with me the most.

"Can We Talk" presented by  Kimberly Mack from Campus Speak, was about those crucial conversations and how to approach them and be better at them. There are three different approaches to dealing with crucial conversations 1) Deal with it well, 2) Face it head on and fail, and 3) Avoid it. "Can We Talk" also provided 7 tips on these crucial conversations.

1) Start with yourself...what is at stake?
2) Be aware. Is the conversation defensive or dialogue? (emotional climax of conversation)
3) Safety is key. Create a comfortable situation by apologizing/asking questions.
4) Own your story. Focus on what happened and what made you feel a certain way.
5) State your intent. Share your facts and conclusions so that the other party can see where you are coming from.
6) Explore the other persons intent. Find out what the other person is thinking. Make sure you understand.
7) Move ahead. Come to a consensus about what will happen. Document who will do what, by who, and settle on a way to follow up

When preparing for these tough conversations use your strengths, if you are good at problem solving, use it. Make sure when you have these conversations, that you have a GOAL. A lot of the time when we have these conversations, but we do not have a goal, we just bicker back and fourth and come up with a punishment. Swallow your pride and return to your goal. Take a time out and breathe. Make something positive come out of this conversation.

If the tips do not work try following the CRIB method.

Commit to seek mutual purpose
Recognizing the purpose  behind the strategy
Invent a mutual purpose
Brainstorm new ideas

Talk to your chapter or Eboard and let them know both the negatives and the positives. At the end of the day no one wants to have this crucial conversations but they need to happen. After this session I feel a little bit better and more confident going into these difficult conversations. Be open, hear your sister/brother out, everyone makes mistakes, it is your job to make sure that same mistake does not happen.

On a lighter note...

Today was a lot of fun and I learned about so many different things. One of the best parts of today was bonding with our NGLA delegation. Today I woke up and made my way to Starbucks, Starbucks is the key to a great start to your day. At lunch we had some different food I guess you could say. There was spinach with honey mustard sauce, raspberry sauce. For toppings there were roasted hazelnuts, berries, cheese and more.There was also turkey wraps and chicken wraps, and small desserts. Today we all discovered the hidden service elevator which was extremely sketchy but it was funny because we managed to skip the long elevator ride. I got to bond with everyone in ways I never have before, To wrap up the night we explored the dance party where we witnessed Culturally based sororities and fraternities, and there scrolling (dances), it was amazing to watch. To end the night we are having a pajammy jamm party, and it is a lot of fun!

Goodnight everyone!

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