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Monday, February 27, 2012

From the first time you put on your letters, they never come off

Hi Bears!

So after an eventful Monday back at school, I finally have time to sit down and reflect on everything I have learned during my time at NGLA. First, I need to say how grateful I am for having this amazing experience, especially as a sophomore. I'm going to be on this campus for a few more years, and after attending NGLA, I feel confident in my abilities on how to help my chapter and the Greek community grow into an even better version of the one we have now.  I was so excited to come to Chapter tonight and share what I learned with my sisters, but it was cancelled due to a nasty stomach bug going around. (Feel better girls!) So, I am happy to reflect here and put down all my thoughts and feelings.

I am the type of person who seizes every opportunity to grow as a person and really strive to be the best version of myself that I can be. NGLA really opened my eyes to what a huge responsibility I have as a sorority women to really make a difference in others' lives, even if it a small impact. A quote that stuck out to me was "What if you are the only Greek member a person meets in their life? What type of impression will you leave?" Your actions not only reflect yourself, or your individual chapter, it reflects ALL Greek organizations, since the public lumps us all together. It is a big responsibility, but if we are living up to our values, truly believe in what our founders fought to create and leave behind for us, then it really isn't hard at all to accomplish. And I believe us at BSU we really do try to have a positive community, which makes me so proud to be apart of it. Sometimes, it is so easy to get caught up in the small mistakes, it seems as if we are doing everything wrong. But we really aren't. And going to NGLA helped me see what a great group of people belong in our brotherhoods and sisterhoods, not that I didn't know that before, it just seemed even more clear after it. I learned so many great tips on how to better ourseleves as men and women and as chapters and I cannot wait to share it with everyone.  I hope everyone takes the opportunity to go to NGLA too if they receive it, because it does make you grow as person and become even more proud of our community. Thank you again MB for giving me the chance to come, you are awesome!

And thanks to everyone who has been reading, I hope you all were inspired to better your organizations too!

Greek Pride and Love,

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