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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hi Friends! so todays sessions were super awesome! I was lucky enough to be able to attend three different presentations. During the first presentation we learned about the benefits of having sorority recruitment at a third party vendor off campus. The ideas the sorority women from BU suggested were awesome. Unfortunately, i feel as though a recruitment event like this is for a much larger campus. During their last formal recruitment they had over 900 woman registered!
During the second session we discussed the benefits of extension. I am hoping BSU gets a forth NPC sorority so we can expand our greek community. The last session i attened was my favorite. It was called "students are friends not food" This session explained how important it is to connect with your advisor on campus. Lucky for us we have the BEST GREEK ADVISOR EVER!!!
I am exhausted from all the fun facts we learned today! Excited for tomorrows sessions and all the new friends waiting to be met! LOVE NGLA!
xo; EOB

1 comment:

  1. Erin!! Sounds like you are having a great experience. You are quite astute in your observation that we do, indeed have the best greek advisor ever :)

    I love that you are in support of our goals of extension to at least one new NPHC chapter. Are you meeting students from NPHC chapters while you are there? What are you learning about these organizations that you can share with the rest of your BSU peers?

    Have a great time there... Cindy
