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Saturday, February 25, 2012

"What's Your Action Plan?"

This is what out small group facilitators asked us at the end of session today, and to be honest at the time I wasn't completely sure. I knew that I wanted the Greek Conduct Board to be succesful, I want to continue to grow as a leader and take on more responsibilty, and I wanted to be a more proactive member of my chapter, but I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to do so. Needless to say I was a confused individual and had all these awesome ideas in my head but they were all jumbled together due to the "conference high" and I was unsure of what I wanted to do with everything I have learned. Now, before I tell you what my four goals are I am going to tell you about what I experienced today.

We began the day by waking up to what sounded like a fire alarm but it was actually just Kristen's alarm. We then made ourselves look presentable, went and got our Starbucks fix and got prepared for the day. Today's sessions began with a speaker who talked to us about "The Gift of Being Greek". She explained to us that these gifts were ritual, brotherhood/sisterhood, lifetime commitment, and depth of personal development. These are all ideas that we get from being Greek, and they all spoke deeply to me. I realized that when you join a sorority you truly are joining a sisterhood and it is for life. This is a promise that you make to something more than yourself, and I am glad that I have grown to apreciate this more.

My first session of the day was "Running a Self Governing Greek Judicial Board". This was awesome for me to go to because it showed me how Cornell runs their Judicial Board, and it also taught me what we can't have at BSU. It also made me realize what I truly want out of conduct board, but I will explain that more later in my goals. I think it is awesome that Cornell has this judicial board where the Greeks completely hold each other accountible, and it shows what strong leaders their Greeks are. I think that these members represent what it truly means to be a Greek, and it was great to see how other campuses run.

I then attended a session entitled "Be Strong, Be Confident: Empowering Sorority Women". This basically taught us to embrace our confidence and understand how great it is to be a sorority women. It reinforced everything I have found I have become since joining a sorority, and it was a great reminder of the growth in confidence and leadership I feel I have experienced since joining Delta Phi Epsilon.

We then attended our Affiliation lunches where we got to spend time with other members of our organizations. This was awesome because before this conference I have never met other members of Delta Phi Epislon. I can honestly say that I come from an amazing group of women, and it's awesome how well I connect with them.

Aften lunch Maribeth asked me to attend the NPC Area Meetings. This was so cool because we got to have a small group conversation with our NPC Area Advisor, Lynn Marano, and a couple other schools. I loved this because I truly feel that although I love my chapter and what my letters stand for my passion is completely with Panhellenic. I feel as though I thrive the most in Panhellenic, and I really apreciated Maribeth inviting me to this conversation. Thank you MB :)

My final session was "Making Meetings Matter". In this we learned about the negative aspects and disruptions of meetings and we also learned how to productively run a meeting. I enjoyed this because I hope that as my time in college grows I will take on more leadership roles, and will have to run meetings on my own.

The conference ended with a wrap up session with our small groups where we reflected on the conference and what we got out of it, and what we are going to bring back to our campuses. After this we had the Awards Banquet. Unfortunately, we did not win any awards, but I am still very proud of everyone nominated! Go Bears!

Before I end this post, I want to explain to everyone the four goals that I am taking on and will bring to my campus:
  1. The first is to be a more active sister of Delta Phi Epsilon in holding my sisters up to always representing our letters. I am going to be proactive, and if I feel as though a sister is not representing our letters properly whether it be her actions or appearance on a particular day and letters involved, I will take it upon myself to confront her and help her make better choices about this. I learned today that if we are not proactive and don't help others with what see is wrong, then it won't be fixed.
  2. My second goal is to plan all sorority women retreat for next semester. At the banquet tonight we were discussing the importance of bringing the sorority women together, and we decided that a retreat will be great bonding. We want to strengthen our Greek community, and this is one way to begin this.
  3. Thirdly, I want to involve Panhellenic with a specific philanthropy that we focus on and work with. I want this philanthropy to be one that everyone is excited about so I am looking for suggestions, but I think this will be an awesome addition to an already fabulous Panhellenic Association!
  4. My fourth and final goal is probably the most difficult one. I realized this weekend that before we can have a Greek Conduct Board/possibly a judiciary system we first need something along the lines of a  Greek Council, where elected members of the organization run open meetings where all Greek members can come and discuss what is going on in the community/get advice on situtations or issues or anything they seek advice for within their chapter. I think by doing this we will begin strenghting our community and the trust that could possibly someday result in a judiciary aspect. I hope to eventually come up with a powerpoint presentation for all chapters to see what this board truly is in hopes to gain their support. I want to thank Lexi for letting me help with this project, because it is something that is very close to me, and I hope that we continue to gain support from our Greek organization members.
I think this basically wraps up my post for tonight. I am way beyond tired, and can not wait to be able to sleep until 8:45 tomorrow morning instead of 7:15 :)

Much Greek and Bear Love,


  1. I am so glad you got so much out of the conference! I can't wait to hear all your ideas and support you to help facilitate growth and change on our campus!
