so I had to interrupt my usual blogging style to bring you this brief update. we had a pajammie jamma jam tonight! we took multiple self-time pictures, and played bananagrams! We made up multiple words such as "beez and peh." lexi is eating peh while i'm writing with my peh. We had so much fun and were constantly laughing, especially when MB told us her story of the 37 cent bananagrams, I've written a letter describing my feelings toward the target story:
Dear John Flakes,
I'm sure seeing your wife running out of target like she just stole a game would make you weary of the magic that just occurred in there but you have to admit that is one friggin awesome deal!
love it! bananagrams was AWESOME, can't wait to play again soon.
peace, love, PEH!
ps. me and mb, the only people at NGLA.

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