This morning we had a great session with Phired Up Productions. Great stuff and I saw the lightbulbs go off as the cherubs took it all in. After our intro sessions the friends went off to their ed sessions and I headed to the AFA (Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors) regional meeting. It was nice to see who's new in the region and who is still around. Due to budget cuts I have not been to the AFA annual meeting the last two years, there is no way to sugar coat this.. it sucks. Unless the economy makes a miraculous turnaround and professional development money makes a comeback, I will likely need to save my own money to attend next year. I feel kind of in a rut, I feel like I haven't done the presenting I have always wanted to do or the networking I would like to have done in Fraternity and Sorority life. I am soooo passionate about Greek life and student affairs and I think it is high time to take my professional development into my own hands. With a wedding this past year (love shout out to the hubs here) the financial commitment to get to the Annual Meeting on my own was not a possibilty but hopefully I can start to save now and can head to Arizona in December 2010. As a renewal of my commitment to be in charge of my own development I stayed after the meeting and spoke with Veronica about volunteering for AFA on the Membership Recruitment team. I have spent too much professional time idle.. it's time to kick things up a notch for me and for my students. BAM (lagassi, e.)
Feeling psyched and ready I gathered my Panhellenic sistahs, Jess & Aubree, and we headed to our NPC Area meeting. We chatted about the great things NPC is doing in our region and talked about ways to better our Panhellenic practices.
For the next ed session I went to hear a presentation about NPC and Campus Partnerships. This sessions was particularly special to me for a few reasons.. first off, the presenters Monica Miranda Smalls (AFA President Elect I might add!!!) at the University of Rochester and Sandy Burba, NPC Alternate for GAMMA PHI BETA and my GphiB mom, both FABulous women I have known for years now. Also because the session was about the Gamma Phi chapter I was the Regional Coordinator for a few years back. In 2007 myself and a few other Gamma Phi Beta volunteers headed to Rochester for a weekend to help our struggling chapter,we spent the weekend strategizing pr plans and ways to connect on campus. The outcome of this plus TONS of the Panhellenic Association's support and Student Affairs support is today our chapter has hit quota and has grown exponetially. Really awesome stuff. Great work Epsilon Tau!
My last session was an awards feedback session. I was one of this years judges for the awards. A lot of changes have been made to the program and I think the feedback we recieved will be really helpful in the years ahead. My new pal Thea (from NJIT!!! I used to work there!!) and I invented some great jobs for ourselves. (See.. getting out there as much as I can)
The crew and I met after the final session and headed upstairs to get ready for the closing banquet. We looked really good if I do say so myself! Just check us out!!

I really had a great experience this weekend. The students were fabulous and really made me and BSC proud. They make us Bears look G O O D!!
It's our last night of blogging, tomorrow we head back to Bridgewater, the ride home will be easy but we know the road ahead to positively impact our campus community will be long and enduring, but we're READY. Let's DO THIS!!!
Go Bears!!
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