Pajama Jammy Jam was a success!!! It was so much fun and an AWESOME way to become closer with the cool bears that came with us to the conference. We all put on our best jammies and came to my room for some fun and excitement. MB and Jess had matching cupcake jammies.

Are you ready for the secrets to having your own successful Pajama Jammy Jam?!?!?
Step 1: You must have an AMAZING advisor who doesn't mind getting a little silly for
some fun times.
Step 2: You must have a wicked cool group of leaders who love to have fun in their
Step 3: Snackies are a MUST HAVE!! Preferably junior mints, snickers, and chips :)
Step 4: BANANAGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Put all of these things together in one hotel room and you will have a fun night jam packed with memories! A photo-shoot is also always a necessity when you have a group that is as good looking as ours is :)

We also learned that MB is a very savvy shopper and was able to get her Bananagram game for only $0.37 with it should really cost $15.00. Its a long story but the general overview goes a little something like this (its is a lot more funny and entertaining when she tells it in person of course so ask her about it when you see her because it is her FAV story):
MB's sister-in-law got the game for Christmas and MB played it with her and FELL IN LOVE ♥. She wanted to find the game so she looked online to see what stores carried it. She saw that the Target in Taunton had one in stock and went to go buy it for herself. Upon arrival she found that the website had unfortunately lied to her and to her dismay there was no Bananagram to be found. So she went online yet again and went to the Target in Stoughton because it said they had one. When she got to the game section of that store she was upset to see that there was no game on the shelf. But ALAS!!! MB found spotted a very lonely banana hiding behind some other games. When she found what she had been looking for there were no directions and no price tag. A worker told her the lady at the front would help. At the register she explained her sad story not only to the cashier but also to the manager. The cashier worked her magic on the register and to MB's surprise said "Happy Holidays!!! That will be $0.37" MB was so psyched she ran out of the store and told her hubby all about her excellent experience!!! AWESOME TIMES!!!
I also learned that I am not the best at bananagrams but it is definitely a great game to play. Aubree won twice, Max, MB and Katelyn each won once. We had a grand old time tonight and we definitely bonded as BSC Bears!!! GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR!
Good night friends. Can't wait for all of the fun things tomorrow has in store for me and my fellow Greeks! I am also totally psyched to finally shop at the Greek Boutique!!!
Delta Love,
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