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Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Word of the Day "Recruitment"

Hello Friends,

We concluded our evening last night with a fantastic pajama jammy jam and we were quite fashionable friends.. MB and I rocked some matching cup cake pjs.. Mine have a story though :) for all you Gilmore Girls fans out there my mother and I are obsessed with it and well basically mommy and i believe our lives are just one big sitcom and quote one after another.. So we are in Wallly World aka Walmart for all you not cool peeps...And I go "NO WAY cupcake pajamas... you know mommy il put on my cute cupcake pjs a lil lipgloss and wait up for The Puffs to come take me to a "secret" breakfast..." "And My mother replys dont ring any bells... for all you who understand the reference to season two of gilmore girls when the guidance counselor tells Rory to make friends that she is a loner and she winds up sitting w a secret society and its an ordeaal you know what i am talking about... for those who dont well you should watch duh!!!

Anyways totes aside from the point so we played BANAGRAMS!! SO FUN!!! We were making up words left and right and for those of you who know im an english major noo i did not win any rounds of the game... However we had tons of funn..

Today started our second session of events and my day consisted of recruitment recruitment and more recruitment... But DUDE did i learn some things let me tell you!!!!

In the morning our general session for all was on Dynamic Recruitment and I learned so much from it I did not bring my notes with me so i will be summing up all my sessions details to follow you should ask me all about my weekend!! ;) So he started with a fantastic discussion about the types of people you have recruiting out there for you and told us a delightful story about how some people are the horses of the organization and work hard while others are the mule and kick you down (full story to follow jsut ask me) This is something I really learned alot from about how different members in organizations work and how we can all work cohesively together and i feel that it is SO IMPORTANT that we realize when we most def are not...

Then we ventured off into our ed sessions and I went to my first session about Perfecting Your Structured Reecruitement... Since we are adding a new sorority (YAYYY EXPANSION!!) on to our campus I thought it would be beneficial to see the changes and similarities in how people with more chapters then ourselves run their formal recruitment.. I learned quite a bit about some different processes the the NPC is trying to implement at colleges across the country as well as how to perfect some of the ideas that we already have going on.. This session made my jaw drop for serious i walked out going "holy recruitment batman" and for serious it got way more interesting from there..

We continued on with the day and had a lunch of sandwichs and cookies... Then I continued on to my NPC Area Meeting which was very itneresting... Then I went onto my next ed block called 365 Recruitement Process... The session was about making sure we are recruiting 365 days a year 24/7... There are two different types of recruitement Static Recruitement and Dynamic Recruitement and no group is one or the other many fall into the spectrum of everything... This was so educational and it taught about how new members join a sorority to join us .. people join people... and that in order to be successful and continue or organizations in the future we needed to make friends and network... I was given some very helpful tips on how to recruit and where to recruit and how a simple handshake can make you a new friend as easy as pie... Jessica Gendron spoke at this session and for serious she was AMAAZZZINNNNGG!!! Let me tell you!! She definately hit home about a lot of issues that need to be worked out and I was given some great resources I CANNOT wait to share with you all.... I just bought her book online I <3 Recruitment.. I am psyched and will be touching base with her in the future to get her work book and some more information for our organizations...

I then continued on to What your sorority recruitment is suppose to look like? Here I learned a great deal at how to perfect our tranining and the way in which we communicate things to our pnms and how our Rho Chi's can reach our pnms at a more personal level... This session was very beneficial and like a sneak peak into the panhellenic side of recruitment for the vice presidents side and how it shouldnt be just her dealing with it she has to know who and how to trust in others to make recruitment successful... I learned that Panhellenic is only a THING you can blame for poor numbers .. In reality numbers and quality members and quantity problems fall on everyone...I also learned that these excuses we use to recruit our "quality" members are really road blocks for us preventing us from reaching some untapped potential...

Today was so fun and sooo long... I definately am going to have to go back and process alot.. But get psyched BSC we are COMING BACK!!! We all have so much knowledge to share be patient with us because we are PUMPED!!!

Miss and Love You all

See You Tomorrow...

Calling all Phi Sigs get psyched im coming home!!

<33 jmurph

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