I am so exhausted! All I want to do is go to bed BUT I am be a good little NGLA-er and blog first.
Today has been fantastic. Even our crazy 15 passenger van ride here didn't ruin my fun. I was in the back seat the whole way, in a corner, and there was a bag to my left, right and under my feet! Its okay though because I had some sorority bonding time with some new friends :) It was a great time driving through the Mariott Parking garage, ducking when we thought we may not make the clearance...because that helps! And parking was another adventure.
Once checked in we picked roomies, and got some free shirts! I bought a new pair of letters too! They are by far my new favorites!
We ventured to dinner, changed our minds and ended up at subway! It was delicious. Then of course in true Audra fashion, half of us were crossing the road and nearly got run over by an ambulence. We all ran, it wasn't actually as close as we thought. It has been the joke of the night.
The highlight of today was definitely the PlayFair. It was a blast. Not only did I meet some other Deephers which has really been a huge priority, I got to meet lots of other interesting Greeks too! We high fived, I lost an epic battle of rock, paper, scissors, and we DANCED. It was slightly embarrassing. The icebreakers were great!
I am really looking forward to tomorrow! When we all sat down and figured out which educational sessions we were going to, I got a lot of my first choices! So I need to rest up. I am going to learn so much tomorrow, I can just tell :)
Good Night!
Promise to post again soon !!
Oh! And we got special A+ stickers to put on our nametags because were super smart :)
I'll post a picture soon!