On the final day as we leave Connecticut and head back to Massachusetts it was a reflection period for sure of information to take in that will be of great value for myself and the rest of the Bridgewater State Greek Community. Each of the speakers I had for the conference were truly inspiring.
I would like to Thank IFC and Panhel for giving me the opportunity to attend this amazing conference, and meet other brothers of Phi Kappa Theta around the Northeast.
When there is something you are afraid of you must pursue that
fear, because it truly is what you need to accomplish in life. Your
dreams are never to big to handle. You only need 30 seconds of courage to make a decision to face your fear and follow through.
Here are 10 more things that I took away from this trip in which I won't disregard in my lifetime
1) You can never be perfect but you can strive to be perfect.
2) Everywhere you go regardless, every group you are a part of you will see people engaged at different levels.
3) Easier to be popular, but truthfully harder to be a genuine individual.
4) Take a path in which your heart wants or you will never be happy.
5) What is it that you chase in life?
6) Love yourself. You are a gift nothing would be the same if you didn't exist.
7) Each one of us has the power to change someones life around us for the better.
8) Focus on the good, be positive, get a core group you can build it with and let that spread as well to improve morale in your community.
9) Creativity is about choosing curiosity over fear, over and over again.
10) Be Humble/Be Empowering/Be Relational/Be optimistic with everyone around you.
These are my main points and overall I have a lot more information but this is something I wanted to leave on my blog as a reminder for everyone to remember.
I will never forget the experience I had on this conference. My leadership skills, personal values, and passion have been strongly reinforced from having the opportunity to be here.
If you're reading this I would like you to think of these questions, but for now here are my responses
What do you chase in your life? I chase the ultimate dream of one day reaching a wide audience of individuals through music and changing lives one after the next.
Who do you have in your life that makes you a better individual and pushes you to your fullest potential?
Conor L McDonough
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