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Sunday, February 26, 2017

First, I'd like to thank...

Writing my very last blog post is very... bittersweet. As I sit here at BSU, thinking back on one of the most amazing weekends, I can only be thankful for the time that came and went. This trip has taught me so much about myself and my chapter, and I am so rejuvenated and ready to take on issues that I was afraid of before learning through NGLA. In lieu of the Oscars tonight, I would like to thank the academy... just kidding. I'd like to thank Panhellenic and IFC for giving me the opportunity to go on this trip and learn everything I did.
Top TEN favorite things I learned this weekend:
1. To focus on the good, life's too short to do anything else.
2. Confronting the "idiot" in your chapter IS hard, but necessary.
3. Recruitment videos are not the time for glitter and drone shots, instead, it's the time to talk values, philanthropy, and SISTERHOOD.
4. Bear's BBQ in Connecticut is delicious.
5. Questions are important, and so are answers. Making sure everyone in your chapter has a voice is essential.
6. Imma let you finish, but MB is the greatest Greek adviser of all time.
7. Stop with the short cuts, enjoy life just how it is. STUDY & work hard, but have fun (it's possible).
8. Connecticut Convention Center has really really good cheesecake- 10/10 would DEFINITELY recommend.
9. Everyone has a purpose, you just need to recognize what yours is. Find your why- then run with it.
10. Stay gracious.
So thank you, to everyone! I am so happy to have gotten this opportunity. I am thankful for the friendships I have made, the leadership skills I have learned, and the laughs I had. So thanks NGLA, for everything- I'll keep this with me forever.

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