Today started out with a keynote speaker named Jeremy Poincet. He is a man who lost most of his sight when he was a teenager and since then has realized what life is actually about. He shared with us that we must enjoy the time we have now for that's really every thing we've got. We cannot go on day to day worrying about minor things when their are real issues to be dealt with, actal memories to be made, and a life to live that you are lucky enough to have. Having a man who lost his vision and so much independence in his life tell me that life is too short to waste on pessimism really resonated with me... it is almost as if I couldn't take what he was saying for granted. He reminded us to focus on the good, rather than perfection.
This weekend has really taught me that it is okay to have such high standards for myself, but if life doesn't work out how I wrote it down in my planner- that's okay too. Life is more about giving help to others and being okay with asking for help. I have learned how to be a leader. My one wish this weekend was to be able to learn how to lead for the betterment of the chapter in mind.
One of my favorite presentations of today was "Improv your Chapter" by James T Robbilotta. Through a session of improv games and laughter, he taught us so much about communication skills. In my chapter, it is important to realize that EVERYONE should have a voice, not just eboard, and not just our adviser. He taught us that positive reinforcement is necessary, and people need to feel listened to to feel respected. It sounds like such common sense but jeez, when you are in that room listening to someone speak so passionately- you can't help but realize how much you can improve on.
I cannot even begin to describe my experience at NGLA. I have made friendships and realization about myself to help better mold myself into the person I want to be. Maybe I'm not there, and maybe I don't know exactly where I'm going from here-- but after this weekend, I know that I'm going somewhere and I have some amazing Greek leaders by my side and for THAT, I'm pretty darn thankful to be a bear.

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